Engine                 Depth       Time   Games     Moves  Average Forfeit  Book Depth     MIDG   EARLY    ENDG    LATE
WaDuuttie              22.19  121:46:51     281     17068    25.69     0     2070  7.37    19.48 | 20.18 | 21.89 | 31.57
Andscacs 0.86          26.83  115:59:24     280     17909    23.32     0     2064  7.37    24.80 | 25.75 | 26.63 | 32.30
Stockfish 7            29.30  111:52:22     280     17515    22.99     0     2018  7.21    26.09 | 26.44 | 28.75 | 39.13
Equinox 3.30           23.29  114:24:47     280     18321    22.48     0     2021  7.22    21.79 | 22.39 | 22.74 | 27.29
Rybka 4.1              19.88  114:08:25     280     18477    22.24     1     2014  7.19    16.24 | 16.99 | 19.39 | 28.68
Komodo 9.42            27.02  111:14:15     280     18137    22.08     0     2047  7.31    24.62 | 25.39 | 27.17 | 34.30
Gull 3.01              21.24  107:21:26     280     19136    20.20     2     2007  7.17    18.79 | 19.43 | 21.39 | 26.00
iCE 3.0                31.48   87:46:03     281     17931    17.62     0     2018  7.18    26.63 | 27.23 | 32.95 | 39.89


Depth     : Overall average search depth
Time      : Total time engine used
Moves     : Total moves engine played
Average   : Average time per move in centi-seconds
Forfeit   : Games engine lost due to time forfeit
Book      : Moves played from opening book plus average depth

MIDG      : Average search depth during the opening and middle game
EARLY     : Average search depth during the middle game without Queens, the so called early end game
ENDG      : Average search depth during the end game
LATE      : Average search depth during the late end game

List is sorted on Average Time indicating the engine that uses the most time tops.