Similarity Report

Used EPDPositionsTimeHashThreadsDatabase

No.EngineFruitFruitFruitToga Toga Toga Toga Toga
1Fruit 2.1xxxxx88.0759.2993.1986.2471.6475.0563.61
2Fruit 2.288.07xxxxx61.3584.0896.8877.9180.5270.26
3Fruit 2.359.2961.35xxxxx57.9661.6056.8359.4253.16
4Toga 1.093.1984.0857.96xxxxx84.1372.9573.7762.70
5Toga 1.186.2496.8861.6084.13xxxxx78.9081.3470.76
6Toga 1.271.6477.9156.8372.9578.90xxxxx81.1473.54
7Toga 1.375.0580.5259.4273.7781.3481.14xxxxx68.32
8Toga 3.063.6170.2653.1662.7070.7673.5468.32xxxxx

Similarity testing on the evaluation function. Used level is depth=1 thus excluding (the main) search.
Fruit remains Fruit even when Fruit 2.3 scores 59.29% it's still derived from Fruit 2.1
Fruit remains Fruit even when Toga 3.0 scores 63.61% it's still derived from Fruit 2.1

Top Similarity Overview
1. Engine Fruit 2.2 and Toga 1.1 show a similarity of 96.88% 2. Engine Fruit 2.1 and Toga 1.0 show a similarity of 93.19% 4. Engine Fruit 2.1 and Toga 1.1 show a similarity of 86.24% 6. Engine Fruit 2.2 and Toga 1.0 show a similarity of 84.08% 9. Engine Fruit 2.2 and Toga 1.3 show a similarity of 80.52%11. Engine Fruit 2.2 and Toga 1.2 show a similarity of 77.91%12. Engine Fruit 2.1 and Toga 1.3 show a similarity of 75.05%16. Engine Fruit 2.1 and Toga 1.2 show a similarity of 71.64%18. Engine Fruit 2.2 and Toga 3.0 show a similarity of 70.26%20. Engine Fruit 2.1 and Toga 3.0 show a similarity of 63.61%22. Engine Fruit 2.3 and Toga 1.1 show a similarity of 61.60%